Saturday 13 August 2011

Tag Status, Comments in Facebook with Shorter Firstname or Lastname

Facebook recently updated their tagging feature to include short names, which means you can just tag them with only friends’ firstname or lastname or whichever is shorter. Even middle names will work.
This is an great implementation as previously tagging people with long names made the comment look cluttered, now you can choose the shortest part of your friend’s name and also make the comment look less formal.

Tag Friends on Facebook Easily, By their Shortest Name  

Not only this after the recent update you don’t need to use the @ symbol to tag someone anymore. Simply type in the name with starting with capitals, like Amitinstead of amit while writing your status message or a comment.
To use short names (either the firstname, lastname or middlename), first tag the person and then use the mouse cursor and delete/backspace to remove tag on the part of the name you want to remove the tag from. Watch the clip below to understand.

As you can see from above, I chose the parts names I wanted to keep as tagged. You can remove rest part of the name that you don’t want to keep in the comment or status and keep only part of the name which you think will work for you.
For people with only Firstname and Lastname you can use any one for tagging. But for people with middle names you can tag any one of the part of that friend’s name.
I think this a great feature that many will appreciate since long names sometime makes the comment replies not only ugly but it also makes it look formal. With this new short names tagging you have more control over how you tag people in your facebook comments and status.


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