Friday, 20 January 2012

Easily Remove Unwanted Objects from Photos, Images Online Free

Remove Unwanted Objects from Photos Now a days there are so many way to manipulate an image to suit your needs, like removing wrinkles, remove acne, look slimmer. But one of the basic requirements I think is to remove background in images and to remove unwanted objects from photos.
Previously one had to use photoshop to carefully edit photo to remove objects in images but after photoshop’s content aware fill the process became a one step deal. But here is a free online alternative.

Webinpaint (Link) – Remove Objects in Images, Clear Out Unwanted Objects from Photos

Webinpaint is a online app similar to Photoshop’s Content Aware Fill feature. WebInpaint allow you to remove unwanted element from your photo quickly and easily without Adobe Photoshop.
Remove Unwanted Objects from Photos, Images Online
Upload your photo, then paint over the area to be removed and click Inpaint button. No registration required. For simple photographs without much texture or clutter, the app actually works quite well.Zoom in and zoom out options available.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Youtube Video View Count Stuck, Frozen after 300 Views ?

Youtube Video View Count Stuck, Frozen after 300 Views If you’ve uploaded videos to your youtube channel you might have seen this occurring where your youtube view count stays frozen after 300. Don’t worry as this is not a problem. Let see why this happens…

Why Youtube View Count Seems to Freeze, Stuck at 300 Views ?

Youtube Video View Count Stuck, Frozen after 300 Views
It has to do with what YouTube counts as a view. Before your youtube video hits 300 views, the system doesn’t care how you generate a page hit on your video. You could theoretically just hit the refresh button on your browser 300 times and get the counter all the way up to around 300 views and youtube’s algorithms won’t treat it as false, invalid impression.
From the Official Explanation : YouTube has sophisticated technology to count views consistently. If this algorithms detects that there has been an attempt to inflate a video’s view count artificially, that video’s view count will be frozen. During the time in which the view count appears frozen, valid views will continue to be counted.
But as soon as you cross 300 views, YouTube’s internal counting system takes a more careful look at what they call "unique" views. This means that to count a view as a valid "youtube video view", that video should be viewed from a different PC (unique IP addresses). Hence, this way one can correctly know which is the most popular, most viewed youtube video.
Also, you must note that the counting process after 300 youtube video views is not instant. The process of counting the new "unique views" takes from few hours to even few days. So that might be another reason for your youtube video view count not increasing.
So, the main thing to note is that, after 300 video views… you must get unique visits on your youtube video to make it count as a view. So, if you’ve got few subscribers and a video that has a lot of video views from repeat visits/your own visits, it might take some time to see an update in that youtube video’s view count.
Let us know in comme

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Youtube Video View Count Stuck, Frozen after 300 Views ?

Youtube Video View Count Stuck, Frozen after 300 Views If you’ve uploaded videos to your youtube channel you might have seen this occurring where your youtube view count stays frozen after 300. Don’t worry as this is not a problem. Let see why this happens…

Why Youtube View Count Seems to Freeze, Stuck at 300 Views ?

Youtube Video View Count Stuck, Frozen after 300 Views
It has to do with what YouTube counts as a view. Before your youtube video hits 300 views, the system doesn’t care how you generate a page hit on your video. You could theoretically just hit the refresh button on your browser 300 times and get the counter all the way up to around 300 views and youtube’s algorithms won’t treat it as false, invalid impression.
From the Official Explanation : YouTube has sophisticated technology to count views consistently. If this algorithms detects that there has been an attempt to inflate a video’s view count artificially, that video’s view count will be frozen. During the time in which the view count appears frozen, valid views will continue to be counted.
But as soon as you cross 300 views, YouTube’s internal counting system takes a more careful look at what they call "unique" views. This means that to count a view as a valid "youtube video view", that video should be viewed from a different PC (unique IP addresses). Hence, this way one can correctly know which is the most popular, most viewed youtube video.
Also, you must note that the counting process after 300 youtube video views is not instant. The process of counting the new "unique views" takes from few hours to even few days. So that might be another reason for your youtube video view count not increasing.
So, the main thing to note is that, after 300 video views… you must get unique visits on your youtube video to make it count as a view. So, if you’ve got few subscribers and a video that has a lot of video views from repeat visits/your own visits, it might take some time to see an update in that youtube video’s view count.
Let us know in comments if this helped you…

What’s New in Windows 8: High Graphics, Windows Apps Market Hype

Windows 8  Heavy on the Graphics, Hype at a Distance

Windows 8, scheduled for release in 2012, is likely to be a product which will get a lot of attention from Microsoft’s critics. The howls of criticism from Vista’s sorry market performance are also still ringing, and Windows 8 is getting a lot of pre-release rumour mill attention already, including, notably, many “What do you want to see in Windows 8?” polls. The only thing known for sure is that graphics are again a feature, but whether any application security concepts or other hard information related to the many Windows issues will be released remains to be seen.

Windows as a Market Icon

The Windows brand had a brief heyday of genuine consumer popularity between Windows 95, 98 and XP, a development of the NT series. In those eight years it became the world’s operating system. After the Vista debacle, Windows 7 had its own quirks, and the much cooler response to it, if not actively hostile as it was with Vista, was a sign that the heyday was either on hiatus or over. Windows 8 may not be a make or break for Microsoft, but a cooling market isn’t a great place to be releasing high end, high cost, products, particularly if there’s still a recession going on in 2012. A lot, therefore, is riding on Windows 8.
That’s one of the reasons for approaching the current hype with a lot of healthy skepticism.
Rumours so far include:
  • 128-bit operational capacity
  • Tablet computers
  • Face recognition capabilities
If your reaction was “So what?” to tablets and face recognition and other antiques, you’d be right. Not new, not particularly wanted, and following Apple in terms of the tablets.

128 Bits ?

The 128 bit abilities, however, are a new ball game. That would really open up some possibilities, particularly for media. This capacity isn’t really required for a lot of typical computer functions, but it would break very new ground in a large range of heavy number crunching areas. 128 bits isn’t just “two 64 bits put together”, it’s a much higher level of handling. It’d also be great for high speed processors.
The 128 capacity does jive with the high emphasis on graphics, too, so this particular rumour could be more than just hype. Windows 8 images online (there are now literally millions of them) show a distinct tinge of anamorphic 3D, which would translate pretty easily into real 3D, with the right hardware.

A New Windows Marketplace?

A rumour which may have a grain of business sense is that a whole new Windows Marketplace is on the drawing board, to download Windows apps and make sure they run. That doesn’t quite fit the previous paradigm, but the previous mode was a failure, so maybe this rumour is true to some degree at least.

Possible downsides

A truly worrying idea floating around the net is that “Windows 8 will be designed to appeal to the younger users”. That could mean anything from crayon-level, bling-based functions to anti computer hacking ideas and some sort of youth culture motif the rest of the world could live without.
Let’s not write off Windows 8 as another Hollywood effort, but let’s not get too complacent, either.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Sync Google Docs to Desktop: Access, Edit Files Easily Like DropBox

InSync is an useful desktop application that closely resembles the very popular DropBox and allows you to synchronize your documents with Google Docs. Its much better than Offisync to integrate google docs with Office programs.
Sync Google Docs to Desktop: Access, Edit Files Easily Like DropBox
Once you install the free software made available (Mac and Windows), InSync is able to synchronize the files in a folder on your computer with Google Docs. This means that you save a file in the specified folder to make it available in our online Google account and thus share it collaboratively.
Sync Google Docs to Desktop: Access, Edit Files Easily Like DropBox
All changes made will be immediately saved. The synchronization takes place in both ways, from a remote PC and Google Docs. In this way we can easily edit a file online from anywhere in the web and find it easy at home, office or workplace.
# Check Out Awesome InSync Features : Link
The service is free and requires just a Google Account. The space can be shared with other web applications like GMail or Google Picasa Web Albums. InSync was launched but its temporarily down. Its is still in private beta and we just have to wait for its official launch. Check out a detailed review at techcrunch.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Dynamically Resize Image From URL, Embed Thumbnails Using URL Hacks

Dynamically Resize Image From URL, Embed Thumbnails This is probably one of the best online tool ever. There are many types of url hacks like embed only audio from youtube, update twitter from url address bar etc, but the one below lets you resize image from url path ie, you can use a direct link of any uploaded image and resize it by calling it with Resizer.

# – Resize Image from URL Path by Dynamic Request Calling

It lets you dynamically resize image from URL on the fly by just calling the image URL path. Till now, one had to use and online image editing tool to resize images and then download it or use it from their uploaded file link. But this is completely different. You can resize image from url path of the image file.
You can directly embed your resized, improved image into your webpage by a url like :
Example Usage :
HTML Usage : <img src=""> (Embed Thumbnails easily)
Original Calling through Resizer
See the source of the google logos above. Try changing width(w) and height(h) to any other numbers. Want to play more? Go to API Reference for more amazing features like rotation and autocorrection. In fact if you are aware of the timthumb php script, you will understand how this works.
Great Huh ?? Leave comments if you like it.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Change File Creation Date, Last Edited Timestamp on Folders, Files

Change File Creation Date, Last Modified Date Just like the title says here are 3 free utilities to change file creation date in windows of any program, file or folder. Sometimes this might be necessary for too many reasons. But a farfetched idea is if a team of developed working on a program in different time zone then the compiler will face timestamp errors.
Tip : Free Remote Assistance Programs, Software

Change File Creation Date, Last Modified Date of Files & Folders

# eXpress TimeStamp Toucher (Link)

XTST is an small freeware utility to change file creation date and modify timestamp attributes of couple of files at once. After starting the program, on the screen should appear the main program window. Enter path to root folder of files to processing, check or uncheck appropriate checkboxes, enter the date and time values and click the "Start" button.

# Restamper (Link)

Restamper modifies time stamps of files. Supporting the precision of 100 nanoseconds, the full range of date and time that Windows takes can be handled. Logs and backups are provided in files. As long as you keep backup files, it is possible to restore the old state.

# NewFileTime (Link)

Change the Creation Date of a File, Folder
With this utility everyone can have the ability to make quick corrections and change the creation date, last access and modification dates/times of the files or folders on their PC. With this you can specify if files, folders or both will have their dates/times modified. This also specifies if just files and/or folders in the indicated directory are to be modified or if those items in the entire directory tree will be modified.

# TimeStamp (Link)

This is as basic a "Touch" program as you’ll find. Just enter in the offset in days, hours and minutes (positive will push file times into the future, negative into the past), select your files, then hit "Go". Simple. Each file selected (either a single file or a complete directory tree) has it’s "Last Modified" time set to the current time plus the offset that you choose. The program remembers the last offset you’ve set, the last 10 files and directories you’ve stamped, and it’s last screen location.

Ever Seen Non-Geeks Using Google ? How Do You Feel ? [Funny]

Well if you have not then good, but if you have seen non geeks using google this pic below will tell you exactly the pain we geeks feel deep down inside…via
Non-Geeks Using Google