Here are the latest iPhone Tips & Tricks @ iPhone Hacks that covers how to use the bigger keyboard, sync notes (yes, there is a workaround), thought you knew of two ways to scroll through the contacts find out the third way and lots more.
Want to use a Bigger Keyboard while typing in Safari's address bar?
The horizontal keyboard is a lot easier to type on then the vertical keyboard thanks to the bigger keys, so to use the bigger than the standard, vertical keyboard, while typing in Safari's address bar, you can do the following:
- Rotate the iPhone horizontally before tapping on the address bar.
- The Safari window will switch to horizontal mode.
- Then, when you tap on the address bar, the on-screen keyboard will also appear horizontally.
Workaround to Sync Notes
If you are one of those folks who is disappointed that you cannot sync the notes on your iPhone to your PC thanks to the current limitation of the iPhone's Notes application then there is a crude workaround. You would know that each contact has a notes field. So all you need to do is create a fake contact and paste any info you like in the notes field for that contact in Address Book that way after a sync you will have all that information on your PC.
Third way to Scroll Through Contacts
So you know the two ways to scroll through the list of contacts on your iPhone:
- Flick your finger on the list to scroll up or down.
- Tap on one of the letters in the alphabet running down the right side of the screen to jump to contacts beginning with that letter.
Don't believe it, check it out for yourself: hold your finger on the alphabetical list, and then slide up and down.
Get Driving Directions Fast
Google had announced a few weeks back that they have seen a surge in traffic of their Google Map's application thanks to the iPhone. It's not surprising, with iPhone's multi-touch user interface, Google Maps is indeed a killer application for the iPhone.
One of the primary reasons iPhone owners user the Maps application is to get driving directions. In case you had not noticed, both the starting and destination fields offer a bookmarks icon, so assuming that you are most likely to look for directions from your home or office, bookmark your addresses so that you can use them to find directions a lot faster by avoiding all the typing.
Mark Read Messages as Unread
In case you have not figured out a way to mark read messages as unread yet then you will find this useful. When you are viewing a message, tap on Details, which reveals a Mark As Unread option; tap on it, and the next time you view your inbox, the message will display a blue dot, which indicates that the message has not been read.
Keyboard Speedups
The next two iPhone tricks are courtesy David Pogue, the first one is on speeding up the use of the keyboard. He says:
"Don’t bother using the Shift key to capitalize a new sentence. The iPhone does that capitalizing automatically. Don’t put apostrophes in contractions, either; the iPhone will put those in for you, too."
Secrets of the Sensors
The next one is to do with the sensors in the iPhone and how you can trick them into working more efficiently for you.
"The iPhone has three cool sensors. First, it has an accelerometer that detects when you’ve rotated the iPhone into landscape orientation. In programs like Photos, Safari, and iPod, it triggers the screen image to rotate as well.
Camouflaged behind the black glass where you can’t see them except with a bright flashlight are two more sensors: a proximity sensor that shuts off the screen illumination and touch sensitivity when the phone is against your head (it works only in the Phone application), and an ambient-light sensor that brightens the display when you’re in sunlight and dims it in darker places.
Apple says that it experimented with having the light sensor active all the time, but it was weird to have the screen get brighter and darker all the time. So the sensor now samples the ambient light, and adjusts the brightness; it does this only once—each time you unlock the phone after waking it.
You can use that tip to your advantage. By covering up the sensor (just above the earpiece) as you unlock the phone, you force it to a low-power, dim screen-brightness setting (because the phone believes that it’s in a dark room). Or by holding it up to a light as you wake it, you get full brightness. In both cases, you’ve saved all the taps and navigation it would have taken you to find the manual brightness slider in Settings."
iPhone Magic
This is a little out of context, but taking iPhone tricks to another extreme, you can check you this YouTube video of a magician performing video tricks using his iPhone outside an Apple store.
In case there is an iPhone Trick that you know which i haven't covered so far then feel free to share with fellow readers in the comments.