Thursday, 22 September 2011

Silly Google Translate Bug Suggests Justin Bieber Won’t Reach Puberty

Will Justin Bieber ever hit puberty ? Google Translate Says NeverRecently, Google Translate made lot of rounds in the blogosphere with its amazing Beat Box effects (details) by the Audio translation option. Now here is another one which might annoy Justin Bieber fans… But its just a bug in the translation process.

Will Justin Bieber ever hit puberty ? Google Translate Says Never

Step 1 : Go to Google Translate
Step 2 : Type in "Will Justin Bieber ever hit puberty" in the Text Box. Choose to Translate to Vietnamese.
Will Justin Bieber ever hit puberty ? Google Translate Says Never
Step 3 : Copy the Vietnamese translation into the translation text box and convert it back to English.
Silly Google Translate Bug Suggests Justin Bieber Won't Reach Puberty
And the translated to English sentence is Justin will never reach puberty. Damn, No wonder Google is so accurate… :P
Anyways this means no insult to the superbly talented JB, its just a little bug in the translation algorithm. But its a cool bug and thanks to whoever spotted. I got this tip from a facebook status update from Omkar Dutta.
Here is a video (link) showing Google Translate’s version of the popular question Will Justin Bieber ever hit puberty ?
I am a big fan of Justin Bieber… So no pun intended… And to Google Translate … "Never Say Never"


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