Thursday, 22 March 2012

How Much ? - Optimal Keyword Density for Web Content

A massive problem when building up your web
sites SEO profile, is deciding on how many times
you nee to incorporate your keywords into the
body text of your site. This is actually something
that you need to be really careful about, and is
one of the most common mistakes that people make when building a site.

Increasing Keyword Density across your Web Page can incur a penalty in Google’s algorithm.
Identifying which keywords you want to target
is your first responsibility, but you need to be
careful not to go for too many, and this is our
first problem. When you are isolated to target
only a couple of different key phrases you could fall into the trap of repeating these far too many
times! This is where your penalty can be incurred
and you could be in trouble.

Unfortunately there is no actual amount that you
should always stick too, but there are guidelines
around. SEOs regularly argue about what the
ideal keyword density is for your site to be fully
optimized, but there is rarely any agreement.

Some believe that it is OK to use mass keyword
density (where in some points you are actually
spamming your own page) and others believe
that less is better! When you over do keyword
stuffing on your page you could find yourself hit
with a little tap from Google. They are likely to drop your website out of Google’s SERPS
completely, as a fair warning to you. The problem
is that some beginners do not notice this and will
tend to leave the page as it is, panicking that
something else has happened!

Try not to worry too much, you can quite easily
fix this by cleaning up your content! Now this is
the shocker, and how much many of us in the
SEO world recommend as keyword density in
percentage. One keyword term should only take
up about 2.5 – 3% of your overall text. Anything more than this and it does begin to look like you
are forcing it. That means that in this 400 word article, you
should only mention one keyword phrase between 8 and 10 times at most. This even begins to looks a bit dodgy, but 3% is
recommended as the maximum! Someone once
suggested on a Blog that I regularly read that
Keyword Density should be between 8-10%, Do
Not Listen to this person, it is a ridiculous concept,
and is more than likely not going to help your site in any way!